The Health Benefits of Positive Thinking
Increased life span – Lower rates of depression – Lower levels of distress – Greater resistance to the common cold – Better psychological and physical well-being – Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease – Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
Support Our Campaign by Making a Donation Today!
Your donation will go toward first completing our technology which will then ripple effect into us lowing costs to our hosts to participate in the network. Once that piece is done we will begin our efforts to secure a radio station as a base to create and produce the life transforming content that our hosts provide.
143,000,000 people listen to online radio and podcasts
Imagine changing the lives of those people through positive, uplifting, information and stories.
Creating a Better World through Positive Talk
Philosophy of Happiness
What You Already Are
Gratitude is associated with optimism and has been determined that grateful people are happier, receive more social support, are less stressed, and are less depressed.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” -Winston Churchill